New features
I have recently added some (not very important at all) new features to the blog to make it friendlier for the readers.
- Recent posts list added in the sidebar. Some templates had it added by default, but it was not the case. I find it useful in order to easily go through latest posts listed by title.
- Permalink (Permanent link) feature added. In fact this feature had always existed in as far as I know, but I've modified my template in order to display the link (permanent link) in each post. That's useful, for example, when you want to send anything posted here to someone else without having to send the whole blog URL (and having to wait the whole page to be loaded). Or maybe to add a link to any specific news posted here in your own page or blog.
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Ouch, per cert...tambe he creat la meva propia "Wishlist" amb Froogle.
Que consumista i, sobretot, que geek, em faig fastig a mi mateix! Be, nomes era per provar...no m'agrada massa la idea, pero.
Una wishlist es quelcom aixi com una "carta de reis" pero atemporal. Una llista de coses que et fan gracia i que la gent que et vol fer algun regal pot visitar per a trovar-hi quelcom a regalar-te.
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Que consumista i, sobretot, que geek, em faig fastig a mi mateix! Be, nomes era per provar...no m'agrada massa la idea, pero.
Una wishlist es quelcom aixi com una "carta de reis" pero atemporal. Una llista de coses que et fan gracia i que la gent que et vol fer algun regal pot visitar per a trovar-hi quelcom a regalar-te.
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