Inside Man

Avui era dia de cine. De tant en tant ens donem el capritxo d'anar al cinema, i dic capritxo perque val un dineral per mes estudiant que siguis. Hem vist 'Inside Man', un thriller de l'Spike Lee amb Denzel Washington, Clive Owen i Jodie Foster com a actors mes destacats. Considero que es un film original i fresc, que et mante pendent durant el transcurs de la pel.licula, ben treballat per part dels actors, que globalment deixa ben lligats tots els detalls i que no decepciona malgrat que l'argument semblava, a priori, massa tipic. Recomanable.
Per cert, ens han posat el trailer de 'Da Vinci code'... i la veritat es que pinta xula. Ja veurem...
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really good movie yes...although, the fact that everything is planned is well managed with self control yes...but not too too much suspense...i didn't grip my seat...
wondering? why?...an anonymous (in this case) is someone you don't know in your real life and that is not necessary to know because i'm just virtual on the net but i let a comment because i find your blog interesting and that i have seen the movie few days ago... Honestly, who is really anonymous on the web ;-)...i bet one beer that u already know (at least) where i come from...what a good bet no?!
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